Every Business Decision is a Legal Decision

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you are launching a new organization, a new local, a new stream of income? Maybe you want to turn an idea you have been playing with into something more? Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world? Whatever it is, the foundation on which you build it, and how you maintain it, makes all the difference.

Tisdale Legal Group (TLG) is here to guide you in making those decisions and make them stand out!


If you have team members, considering hiring employees, negotiating contracts, considering collaborating with others, or are using independent contractors you need the services of a legal strategist.

Every business decision is a legal decision, and you deserve the right to focus and work on the business of your organization, without worry about the legalese and its impact on your decisions. A legal strategist’s purpose is to help you navigate the decisions you have to make and clear the path so you can achieve the goals...they are not there just to “fix” a problem.

With TLG as your strategist, we can identify and plan for the risks, expand your wings, protect your legacy/organization, and make you legally invincible. You can do all of this without having to worry about unpredictable legal fees.

TLG has several options to meet your needs; schedule a consult so we can discuss your needs.

Business formation. What kind of business entity do I need?


General Partnership; S-Corp; C-Corp; LLC, 501(c)…what do these all mean?? Which one do I choose? Can I change my mind? How? What should I consider in deciding?

Deciding on the appropriate organizational structure requires reviewing a number of factors that can help minimize the risks and amplify the benefits. Some of these factors include: the over-arching goals, the structure of the deal, how control and power should be divided, etc..

Schedule a consult so we can discuss your goals and your options.


You won the bid, CONGRATS!!! But now you are being handed multiple contracts and have a short time period in which to sign it. You haven’t read it so you are unsure of all the terms. You’ve heard, “Oh, it’s a standard contract, just sign it….” these are the infamous words that precedes an individual or organization signing away majority of their rights.

All contracts are negotiable.

Do not sign one without thoroughly reviewing the terms, and understanding your rights and obligations.

Need help doing so? Schedule a consult so we can discuss your options.